Parting message from Pastor John Kay
This afternoon, I emailed the members and friends of my current church, Kavanaugh United Methodist Church of Greenville, Texas, the following letter. Now, I share this appointment news with you.
Dear Kavanaugh:
After six years in Greenville, my time as your pastor is coming to an end. I am being appointed to another church in another district as of July 1, 2022.
Thank you for the opportunity to minister with you. Thank you for your supporting Nicole, Jonathan, and me. Thank you for graciously navigating the unchartered waters of the pandemic with me. And thank you for providing such a beautiful parsonage for us to enjoy.
Over the next number of weeks, our District Superintendent Rev. Cassie Wade will keep Kavanaugh’s leaders informed regarding my successor. I am thankful for the United Methodist system of not leaving a church in the lurch, by supplying one pastor after another.
I am very pleased with my new appointment to Tyler Street United Methodist Church in the Metro District. The area around the campus in Oak Cliff is being gentrified. The nearby Bishop Arts District has become a major entertainment and arts destination.
What is interesting is that the sanctuary buildings of the two churches resemble each other. Also, my associate pastor will be my former district superintendent, who is serving in that part-time role in official retirement. The church has both a traditional service and a very contemporary service.
I will greatly miss y’all. Let us make the most of the next two-and-a-half months of ministering together to the people of Greenville.
Grace and Peace,
John Kay