Sharing the heart of Christ

... through small groups*


We believe that the Christian faith is best lived out in community.

We can share that faith both within the community of a small group and, with that community, to the city we call home.



Men and women can grow in their faith by reading and studying in a small group, praying for others together, and serving others. The TLT Sunday School Class meets from 9:45 to 10:45 am on Sundays in the Library on the first floor of the Education Building. Named after a quotation of Methodism's founder, John Wesley, the Think and Let Think Class examines topics of interest.



Our Youth Sunday School Class meets weekly at 9:45 am on Sundays in the Small Dining Room in the basement of the Sanctuary Building. Open to youth in 7th through 12th grades, the group meets together to deepen friendships, study scripture, and learn about service.

Do you have additional questions or want to get involved?  Please email James Hamilton at


We celebrate that God’s grace is active in the lives of children, whom we define as growing from birth through 5th grade. If you would like for your child to be baptized, please contact us at


* For your own Bible study about the communal nature of Christianity, check out Acts 2:42, Acts 20:28, Ephesians 2:19-22, Ephesians 4:12, and Hebrews 10:24-25. Click on the scriptures to read them and then use your browser’s back arrow to return.


... through missions

Community Food Pantry

In 2017, we installed a cabinet on the east side of the church’s campus. Members donate non-perishable food items and other items for Greenville’s hungry, who do not have to ask and may access it 24/7. The cabinet was destroyed by a storm in early 2023--we hope to have a replacement soon.

Panera Bread Mission

In 2017, we began this mission in which Panera gives us bags and bags of day-old bread for distribution to the hungry. We sort through the delicious-smelling bread, place some in our community food pantry, and then deliver most of it to Women In Need (WIN), Homeless under the Bridge, FISH, Boles Home, the Boys and Girls Club, and the Reecy Davis Senior Center.


For The City

Kavanaugh is a member congregation in this week of massive mission projects. Greenville churches are working together to benefit the people of Greenville.

Details of the 2023 projects will be posted soon!










Groups Meeting at Kavanaugh

The church also provides service to the local area by offering meeting space and encouragement to organizations upon request.